I think here lately, I have a little bit of an issue with "non-runners".
No, not because they don't run, but because they give me grief because I do.
"how many miles do you run a day?"
"you need to eat a steak..you are too skinny"
"I don't run unless something is chasing me"
"you are gonna ruin your body"
"running just isn't fun"
And I don't disagree with any of that, if that is your perspective.
BUT----I have NEVER...and I would almost bet my house on the fact that I HAVE NEVER...told a non-runner:
"why do you not exercise"
"you should lay off that hamburger"
"you need to give it a try, you need it"
"you are gonna ruin your body by NOT exercising"
"running isn't all that fun, but crossing that finish line is a freaking blast, you should try it, you need a little joy in your life"
Yep, I don't think I've ever said those things.
Why, because number one: they are simply not nice.
Why should I judge you because you don't run. Maybe you do indeed exercise. Maybe you have a back issue that keeps you from exercising.
Maybe your knees are shot from a terrible life-threatening disease that I know nothing about.
Maybe you have terrible pain daily and good grief, how you wish you could run.
Maybe you would give anything in this world, if you could hit the road for a few miles.
Maybe you battle with a food addiction. And who am I to cross that. With all of the stupid insecurities that I battle with...but you just can't see them.
Maybe you are "bigger than me" and you would give anything to get rid of that. And you are insecure because of it.
And maybe..maybe...maybe...
See what I'm saying.
Man, I guess there's a part of me, that just wonders why it's ok to go on and on about my sport. It's not that I *love* running.
I mean, I do. But, it's more than that.
I love the alone time.
I love the time with Jesus.
I love "gangster" music.
I love crossing the finish line. Every single time.
I love doing a fun race with my family.
I love more than anything the friendships and relationships that I have fostered because of running. It is a community like no other.
I love giving a race my all.
Or I love encouraging a first time runner.
I love running for charity.
I love so much about it. Not just that it is a mile.
I love sweat falling off of my...because it is like a burden, that I am laying down.
I love it all.
Just like a baseball player loves hearing the crack of the bat as it makes contact with the seams.
Just that much!
So, I guess, I just needed to get it off of my chest.
Period. I love to run.
And I pray that I never take for granted the blessing that God gives me healthy bones, and joints, and a body that can hold me up.
Please, Lord. Keep me healthy. And let me use that.
Ok. enough.