Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Will "rehab" for Mickey waffles

Seriously, I'm not making light of it. 
But if I don't laugh, I'll shoot myself in the face. So there. 

Here's where I am today. 
Vanderbilt University Medical Center. 

Why? For answers. 

But even better. God came before me. 
And prepared the way. 

No really. He did. 

So, currently, I have an appointment at Medical University of South Carolina in September. 

Mayo Clinic in October. 

An "undiagnosed disease" specialist in Birmingham in November. 

A pain therapist in December. 

I kid you not. 

Who am I? 
Who is this? 

Rewind 2 years ago, I'm a healthy marathoner full of life and spunk. 
Today, I can hardly walk to the mailbox without being winded. And I'm
Almost an introvert on any given day, if the pain shuts me down. 

Yes. Toss your "no excuses" shame my way. I wave the white flag. 
Guilty of doing the same. 

But for 25 months, I've lived on a diet of chicken breast and JIF peanut butter. And the occasional oatmeal. But heaven forbid, not all 3 in one day. 

Anyways, I digress. 

In January 2015, during our 21 days of prayer, I admit. I don't think I prayed for myself once. 
On the day of healing prayer I was so focused on a few others, I never even tossed my name in the hat. 
True story. I was so discouraged. And felt like it wasnt an issue of healing. But an issue of the doctors need to get their act together. 

Today. We are again in 21 days of prayer. And selfishly I've been praying for (along with many others) and believing for a miracle of healing for myself. Selfish. I know. 
Move on. 

So last week, my doctor calls and says he's referring me to Vanderbilt or Mayo Clinic. He can't do anything else for me. 
The doctor at Vanderbilt can't see me until December. 
Then Friday, I get the call that they can see me this week. 
August. Not December. 

Then, I arrive today...
And the doctor already has a hunch. 
But he says "start at the beginning."
 So I do. 

He said that everything I said affirmed his theory. 
I truly believe God went before me and prepared his mind. 

And then all of a sudden. 
2+ years later. We have a plan. 

A diagnosis of sorts:

it's a post-infectious dysfunction. 
He says he is certain that I had a virus/ infection/bacteria/even a parasite maybe when it started so fierce that first night. (July 2013)
And the lack of proper treatment caused motility dysfunction in my large and/ or small intestine. 
Along with abdominal migraines. 

The good news is it usually corrects itself. The bad news is sometimes that takes up to five years. Or not at all. 
But with some meds, and then within a few days...try to eat very lean and clean. Small bites a day. 
He said to not try to eat meals. That's almost impossible. But to eat a few bites. A few times a day. Like baby steps. 

He's running some blood work to check for lack of nutrition and just to check levels and test for celiac tendencies etc---but he said he's pretty confident he's spot on. 
Motility issues would never show up on the tests. 
Makes total sense. 

And I truly believe it's the power of prayer. Prayer from so many. 
I have a team of prayer lovelies. 
I am so thankful. 
Today has been overwhelming. With love and prayer. 
I'm completely overwhelmed by the people that love me. 

**and for the record.....I've cancelled all of the future appointments at Mayo and in Charleston and Birmingham. I believe this is it. 
I believe God is restoring me to full health. 

And I believe that I'm going to eat a full meal with my family once again. 

Seriously. For the first time in 25 months, I believe full well. 

I can hardly even believe it when I type those words. 
What a powerful day today has been. 

I am so thankful for those that have prayed for and with me. 

I can't wait to share a meal with each and everyone of you. 
In maybe a year or two ;)


Mindy Bobe said...

Oh Brittney I am soooo happy to read this! I will continue to pray for you girl! And I want to eat a Mickey waffle with you come Princess!!! :-)

Karen Seal said...

I am so glad you're starting to gain some answers!! Thank God for paving the way...He's so amazing like that! :)

Unknown said...

Seriously! We WILL have dinner and lunch! And Coffee!! and maybe a cupcake and walk! I have been praying and telling the devil where to stick his sickness! xoxo

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