The Tour of the Capitol

First off, I love this shot of my little guy! I really think I have taught him well! He's an avid tourist AND photographer! Ahh!!!
Well, we wandered into the Capitol, just wanting to "look around" and we were somewhat hopeful. They greeted us with a smile! When I asked about a tour, they said sure!! We have some open spots going in NOW!
So, off we went! Tickets in hand!
As we were approaching the entrance of the tour, I was just not encouraged by the excitement of this lady! Um, does she know that she is asleep in OUR NATION'S CAPITOL!!!!!!! I mean, come on, I am not a "museum lover" myself, but puh-leeeze!
So in we went on our guided tour. I love these little "headphone tours" where we all look like dorks and the Tour Guide looks like he's just walking and talking to himself.
So, we walked, in and through, and around...and then.....AHH! We were in the DOME! Actually just standing right underneath it! Oh, what an awesome feeling!
Yes, here are my guys....and this is pretty much what everyone was doing. Just looking up. In awe.

As we walked by this. I could not help myself. They tour guide kept saying, don't stop in the hall. Just keep moving.
Hello. Are you serious. I have to stop to take this picture.
And, now, just a day or so later........I am glad I did! See ya, Nancy!

There was lots more to see, and stare at. But, as we exited, I loved this replica statue of Freedom.
Freedom is the statue on TOP of the Capitol. To be quite honest, I've never really paid it any attention, but seeing it up close...very cool.

Then, over on the other side, this very cool, cute, dainty little statue of Helen Keller. I've always been fascinated by her, and her story. Very cool.

So, then we headed out of the Capitol, and towards the Library of Congress. We were so excited to be in the midst of all of this stuff you "hear" about, but really, never think you will experience!
Such a cool, amazing, thing.
Oh, yeah, and remember her......well, look at her, up and at'em.....Just as chipper as she can be. I think I even heard her whistling :)

That woman that's pretty funny!
I love re-living your trip through pictures! :0) DC is a place I have on my list of things to see!
I love your story telling skills. i feel like you are talking to me in person! I wanna go with you next time!!!
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