Well...I think that totally applies in marriage.
Well, maybe we shouldn't "use" each other, but we should absolutely make an effort to keep it from rusting!!
Lots of little things happen in our home, lots of "I love you" and plenty of little gestures to help the other one out, but sometimes, we are just in "survival" mode.
So...I noticed the other day, a lot of my friends patting themselves on the back for a job well done on sticking with it for Photo-A-Day on Instagram.
And I thought to myself, "self...(that's what I call myself)...maybe you should try that...to be intentional"
And so...this was born.
A month full if reasons why I love him!
I plan to keep this on my camera roll, or maybe even as my wallpaper---and send him a daily text.
To let him know just one little reason that I love him. And I'm thankful. Every day!
So, if you wanna try too, feel free to snap the pic...and play along!
(And make sure to let me know...so we can keep each other accountable)