Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Ok, so I am stuck! Stuck at a place between mile 13 and mile 17......but I just can't seem to get to Mile 18! But, I know I can do it.......I just am mentally stuck!

So, here's the solution (actually, it was Scott's idea!):

NO EXTREME MOOSE TRACKS UNTIL MILE 18!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GASP! Shock! Yikes! Yes, that's right! Now, I love this stuff. I mean love it. Yes, smarty pants, I WOULD marry it!

So, I made this little ring around the ice cream using my Crop Suey kit, and it is there until..........until I make it to mile 18!

Now.....I am motivated like never before!


Lisa said...

YOU CAN DO IT!!! I know you can!! But with that motivation - you'll be great!!

Virginia said...

You are such a smarty pants!

I will be rooting for you- I know you can do it!

CC Poty said...

I know that you still don't know me. I'm really not trying to be harsh, but you've got 5 weeks until the marathon, you need to forget about the moose tracks completely.

Go run 18, go run 20. GO!

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