Good Morning America! Can you believe it! How fun!!!!!
(Um, like, I left my house at 6pm on Monday, my sis, and my friend Diane...we drove to Nashville, camped out for a spot at the front, watched Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisley LIVE on Good Morning America, played around a little with Alan Jackson, and then we headed home....Um, a much needed Starbucks helped us arrive home 3:30! Yes, 23 hours of jam-packed-country-music-lovin'-fun!

And, then, I commenced to cleaning! As is my goal for the week!
Ugh, this bathroom it is like the center of everything, we all just travel in and out of it!
I mean, I actually like it, that since we've moved, we still like all being together! So, lots of times, when I am drying my hair, or Scott is ironing....the boys will come in, chat, or just hang out with us. Kind of ok with me!
The counters collect so much stuff. It is hard to manage sometime!
This is Scott's side of the bathroom! He needs a little nudging too! (even with his neat-freak kind of self!)
This is just a little whimsy I made, and I love having it hanging in my bathroom! It has the quote "I do love nothing more than this day". It is a gentle reminder. I need!
Look at this! I cleaned it OUT! I mean, who needs all of that junk, samples, junk I accumulate?! Out it went! Now, all the stuff I use!!!
So, the shade started out like this....notice that it is dirty, and the lace, or whatever that is, is falling off, and just old! Well, I am in a "makeover recession" right now, so I could not spend $$$ on the shade that I've had my eyes on.......but, I decided to repurpose this one!
So, I printed off a HUGE "S" on my computer, cut it out (with my little finger x-acto from fiskars....and a gift from Scrap ETC!),
(well, I was gonna add Smith across the center.....waaaaayyyy too much work for me right now!)
*Then, I hotglued a little bit of Fancy Pants black ball trim on the bottom. Ta da! All done!

******The upstairs Bathroom*****
Ugh! This is the boys bathroom, and how does it get so! really looks ok in the pic....but do NOT be deceived. There is junk everywhere, and it is dirty!
2nd view of the counters. Junk'd up!
Oh, look at this closet?! Can you see all of the dirty clothes down there?! I mean, we seriously have a laundry issue!

The bathroom counter is always a wreck mainly just because they stack stuff here, and stack stuff there!
-----------And, now the finished product!---------------
The bathroom at a glance! I love having a Disney Bathroom. It makes happiness!!! I love the quote on the wall!
This little guy, he makes me so happy. My mom and I bought him at a yard sale when I was little. I was so proud to have him. He is cast iron, and HEAVY! But, he sits at the bottom of the tub there, and just fills me with happy! He is so cute!
And yes, those lights and that mirror were hung ON PURPOSE! Hidden Mickey!
The photos on the wall are from some Disney trips when the boys were little! We have LOTS! And, it is so neat to know that I have literally watched them grow up there!
This picture does not look great, but this closet is cleaned out, and ready for some fresh clean towels!

Clean Counters
All nice, and finished! And, yes, that IS a Restroom sign on the door! We love it!

Wow!! To be gone half the day, you've been busy!! Love the Mickey bathroom - we had one in our last house in Mobile!!
OH OH OH - and your shade makeover is fabulous!!! i love it!! i wish i had a shade to do that to!!
It looks fabulous, and I can't believe you did all that PLUS went to Nashville! I'm in awe!
And I LOOOVE the shade! That's freakin' awesome!
I will fight with blogger tomorrow and try again to post the pics. You did a great job on the bathrooms! And I love how you repurposed the shade!!
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